Manual Therapy, Exercise Training, and Running Mechanics Online Courses:
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Integrated Concussion Management
33 Lessons $120.00 -
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Clinical Running Health; Applied Biomechanics
49 Lessons $155.00 -
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MFD Course & Lab with the New MFD Kit (shipped directly to you!)
1 Courses
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MFD 8-hour Course & Lab (no kit)
1 Courses
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What The Cuff: Blood Flow Restriction Training
(1) 5.0 average rating9 Lessons Free -
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Myofascial Decompression Level 1
(50) 5.0 average rating89 Lessons $295.00
Specialty Courses to Upgrade Your Skills and Toolbox
Manual Therapy, Exercise, and Running Mechanics
The utilization of IASTM tools in manual therapy have become increasingly popular over the last 10 years, especially in the sports medicine and fitness settings. There has traditionally been a gap in the literature for the appropriate dosage, timing, and frequency for the proper application of IASTM for musculoskeletal lesions in the physical therapy and athletic training arenas. This course will review the structural functions of connective tissue elements in various layers of tissues and pathologies, expose the listener to the large variety of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) tools that are now out in the market, and propose general treatment strategies for common orthopedic and sports impairments. In this one day course you will learn to increase the efficiency of motion with negative pressure tools through fascial mobility and neuromuscular re-education. The IASTM techniques in this course will take the “sore thumb” out of integrating a strong manual based approach to musculoskeletal disorders. The majority of manual therapy we utilize is very compressive in nature: STM, MFR, joint mobs. Myofascial Decompression (MFD) is one of the few techniques that works in the decompression of the connective tissue and MSK systems. The needs assessment presented for the MFD course will integrate negative pressure tools with Western evidence based physiologic principles and EBM foundations. Participants will be able to evaluate their ability to intervene appropriately using IASTM tools by describing safety, competency, precautions, contraindications, and appropriate timing, and demonstrating effective interventions with efficient approach and mechanics. Prior knowledge of basic manual therapy concepts and movement science is recommended.
Who can take our courses?
Anyone can take our online courses! They are geared towards movement and manual therapy providers, but coaches, athletes, and people looking to just improve their understanding of the human body are all welcome to learn with us!
As a manual therapy or movement provider will these courses count toward continuing education requirements for my profession?
Yes! We have many CEU affiliations with Physios, ATCs, massage professionals, LAc, DC, strength coaches, and other Sports Med/rehab professionals
Is Integrated Movement Health the same entity as Myofascial Decompression and Cuptherapy?
This education group has been growing significantly over the last 10 years, and what used to be Myofascial Decompression as a company expanded beyond the name of simply CupTherapy and needed a new Brand Name to encompassall the new course offerings. So Integrated Movement Health is the new umbrella company brand encompassing live and online MFD courses, but also Clinical Running Health, What the Cuff Blood Flow Restriction certification, and Integrated Concussion Management. We have courses for all movement and manual providers and continue to push the envelope of science forward thinking and evidence informed courses.